Day: May 17, 2024

Narrative writing

Once upon a time there was a boy called Jake and he is 15 years old. He lives with his mum, dad and dog by the beach. The dog is a golden retriever and his name is Rocky. Jake is tall and lean and he likes to surf and play the guitar. His favourite thing ever is nature and Rocky the dog. Rocky has long blond hair and greeny blue eyes as well. And they all live by the beach.


One day Jake went walking to the library to get some books for identifying plants and animals because he was going tramping the next day. But when he found the books he heard strange noises coming from inside the books!! When he opened the books all the animals and plants came jumping out of the books! They were suddenly real !! Jake got so scared and sprinted back home and that is the story of jake and the live books


By Rourke